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Bio's Chamber

Bio's Chamber

Sabtu, 07 Desember 2013

Megagametogenesis and Megasporogenesis

A. Megasporogenesis
Some plants have megasporofil Angiospermae ( leaf fruit ) that develops into a pistilium . Pistilium usually undergo differentiation into three parts:

1 . Basal section ballooned called ovaries ( ovary )
2 . Longitudinal section called stylus ( pistil stalk )
3 . The end of the stylus which is called stigma ( stigma )

In the ovary there are 1 , 2 or more ovule . Each ovule consists of nuselus , integument , khalasan , and funikulus . Ovule ( ovulum ) adult classified into 5 types depending on the axis of the ovule , by :

1 . Ortotrop ( atrop )
Micropyle lies on a line with funikulus .
Example : Polygonaceae ovule .
2 . Anatropus ( mengengguk )
Ovulum turned so that the micropyle leads funikulus approach parallel to the hilum .
Example : Synpetalae
3 . Kampilotropus
When the umbilical cord and the seeds themselves will bend . So that burrow as the resident ovule ovule nodded .
Example : Leguminoceae
4 . Hemianatropus
Ovulum located approximately 90o to funikulus .
Example : ranuculaceae
5 . Sirsinotropus
In Cactaceae buselus pad initially aligned with the axis but the rapid growth on the one hand causes anatrop matters , but bending is not stopped , to be aligned with funikulus micropyle .

B. Megagametogenesis
female sex cell formation process in 8 core that is formed through meiosis and mitosis was divided in several parts mjd mikrofil , core top 3 cell called antipode , 2 core that is in so-called core bladder secondary institutions and the bottom there are 3 core , 2 etc. that are on the edge of the synergids and 1 imaginable in the middle is called the ovum .

Prodistik X-K

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