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Bio's Chamber

Bio's Chamber

Selasa, 03 Desember 2013

Immuno Globulin

The kinds of immunoglobulin of Human

a. Immunoglobulin G ( IgG ) Monomer
IgG is formed 2-3 months after infection , and levels rose in a month , declining slowly , and there over the years with low levels . IgG circulating in the body and abundant in blood , lymph system and bowel . These compounds will be brought directly to the blood stream where antigens and as soon as they are detected . This compound has a strong antibacterial effect and viruses , and neutralize toxins . IgG was also able to sneak between the cells and get rid of microorganisms that enter into the cells and skin . Because of its small size and ability , IgG is the only antibody that can be transferred through the placenta of pregnant women to the fetus in the womb to protect the fetus from infection likely caused the death of a baby before birth . Furthermore immunoglobulins in colostrum ( breast milk or milk first came out ) , provide protection to infants against infection until the baby 's immune system can produce antibodisendiri .

b . Immunoglobulin A ( IgA ) Monomer / Dimer
Immunoglobulin A or IgA is found in parts of tubuhyang lined by mucous membrane , such as the nose , eyes , lungs , and intestines . IgA is also found in the blood and other body fluids , such as tears , saliva , breast milk , gastric and intestinal secretions .
These antibodies protect the fetus in the womb of a variety of diseases . IgA is found in breast milk protects babies against microbial digestive system because it is not contained in the body of a newborn baby .

c . Immunoglobulin M ( IgM ) àMonomer / pentamer
The antibodies found in the blood , lymph , and on the surface of B cells At the time of antigen into the body , Immunoglobulin M ( IgM ) is the first antibody produced by the body to fight against these antigens . IgM is formed immediately after infection and persist for 1 - 3bulan , then disappeared .
The fetus in the womb is capable of producing IgM nenam month at age pregnancies . If the fetus is infected with the germs of disease , fetal IgM production will increase . IgM is widely available in the blood , but in normal circumstances not found in organs and tissues . To determine whether the fetus has been infected or not , can the IgM level in the blood

d . Immunoglobulin D ( IgD ) Monomer
Immunoglobulin D or IgD also present in the blood , lymph , and on the surface of B cells , but in very small quantities . This IgD acts by attaching themselves to the surface of T cells , they help the T cells capture antigen .

e . Immunoglobulin E ( IgE ) àMonomer
Immunglobulin E or IgE is an antibody that circulates in the bloodstream . These antibodies sometimes also cause acute allergic reactions in the body . Therefore, the body of a person who is experiencing allergy had high IgE levels . Important IgE against parasitic infections , such as schistosomiasis , which are found in developing countries .

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